What Is Virgo Season?


I LOVE Virgo season. It’s my Sun Sign so my birthday falls during this season.

But I didn’t always love this season. Growing up, Virgo season/my birthday signaled the end of summer vacation and back-to-school.

However, it wasn’t the back-to-school shopping for clothes and school supplies that I hated. Or seeing my friends again. Or even learning who the cute boys in my classes were.

It was that I was back into a situation that forced me out of my comfort zone. It was the growth that accompanied each new school year that I dreaded. As a side note, Virgo rules the eighth house in my birth chart, which is the house of growth. Fitting.

It wasn’t until I found out that Beyonce and I have the same birthday that I began to appreciate it. But seriously, I have come to love my birthday and Virgo season, especially since leaving the Massachusetts school system. And growth, while emotionally tough, is good. I’ve begun to see my birthday as an opportunity to reflect on how I’ve grown over another turn around the sun.

I’ve also gained some perspective on this time of year. It signals the end of summer and beginning of fall, which is a great time to bring order and routine back into your life. It’s the time to harvest the goals you planted in spring and reinvigorate the zest for your life’s work after a summer of rest.

So that’s my connection to Virgo season. Let’s get into what you need to know about it.

What Is Virgo Season?

Virgo season is the sixth season in the astrological year. That means it marks the halfway point between the first season, Aries, and last season, Pisces. As is true for all of the seasons, Virgo season marks the time of year when the sun passes through the Virgo constellation in the sky. It usually takes place from mid-August to mid-September.

When Is Virgo Season 2022?

Virgo season 2022 begins on August 22 at 9:16 PM MDT. It ends on September 22 when we transition to Libra Season at the start of fall (at 7:03 PM MDT to be exact) in the Northern Hemisphere.

What Is Virgo Season’s Energy?

Each season has a specific energy associated with it, which comes from the qualities of the sign. Virgo is the sign of the maiden or the earth goddess. It’s a very grounded and intuitive sign. It’s about maintaining order and routine in your life. So if you’re looking for either of those things, Virgo season is the time to focus on calling them in.

The Virgo Personality

If Virgo is your sun sign, you probably have some qualities in common with this sun season. Virgos are intuitive, grounded, organized, and helpful. They are the ones who will see things to the end, including books they don’t like (I’ve done this more than once). They may struggle with self-worth and perfectionism, but once they master these, they can share their perfectly imperfect gifts with the world. They’re thinkers and analyzers and can be guilty of analysis paralysis (again, I speak from experience on this one). Ultimately, they strive to do their best, but may need a reminder from time to time that they’re perfect as they are.

Virgo Constellation and History

Everything about Virgo season stems from its constellation and history.


The Virgo constellation is one of the largest in the sky and is the largest of the zodiac. It’s shaped like a kite with four arms or legs sticking out. This creates the shape of the maiden, its namesake.


There are many versions of the Virgo constellation story, but most involve a maiden, often a goddess, and a connection to the earth. The Babylonian version is that the constellation represented the goddess Shala and her ear of grain. This is why the constellation was associated with fertility. In Greek astronomy, Virgo represented Demeter, the goddess of wheat and agriculture, or Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter who married Hades and resided in the underworld during summer. The Poeticon Astronomicon, a book based on both Greek and Roman constellation mythology, attributes the Virgo constellation to the daughter of Apollo and Chrysothemis who died a maiden and was then laid to rest in the stars.

Virgo Season Stats

Each sign has certain characteristics assigned to it (masculine/feminine, positive/negative, etc.). Here’s a quick rundown on some of Virgo’s specifics.


Virgo is ruled by the sixth house, which is the house of service.


Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is the planet of knowledge and communication. It has quick energy (think of Hermes, the god with the flying shoes). Gemini is also ruled by the planet Mercury.


As my middle school students laughed about, the word “virgo” sounds very close to the word “virgin.” This isn’t a coincidence. The word "virgo” actually means “maiden” in Latin. A maiden was typically a young, unmarried girl, a.k.a, a female virgin. The Virgo glyph (♍︎) seems to have many theories around where it originated, ranging from an “M” for maiden, a loop representing the circular nature of life or karma, the Greek letters for “parthenos” (meaning virgin), or the female genitalia.


Virgo is an earth sign, meaning it’s a very grounded and level-headed sign. It’s a good time to spend in nature and put your bare feet on the grass. This is another reason the Virgo symbol is represented by an earth goddess.


Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning it signals the change from one season to another. It’s the last summer season before Libra transitions us into autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the time of year we start getting excited for fall and a new season, and thanks to Starbucks, PSL (pumpkin spice latte) season.

Things To Do During Virgo Season

Because Virgo season brings with it order and routine, it’s the perfect time to create a morning or evening routine. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to get up earlier to start working out, meditating, or journaling in the morning? Now is the time to start this. Or maybe you’ve wanted to get into the habit of reading a book before bed and stay off your phone. There’s no time like Virgo season! It’s also a great time to start creating daily to-do lists (don’t forget to include some fun on there!) or use a planner. If you’re looking for some morning routine inspiration, here’s what I’ve been doing lately:

  • Workouts: Heather Robertson and Growingannanas are a couple of my favorites for strength and cardio workouts. Move with Nicole is my favorite for yoga and pilates workouts.

  • Meditation: I like to use Spirit Daughter’s guided meditations, which come with her new moon workbooks.

  • Journaling: I use The Daily from Spirit Daughter for my morning and evening practice and use my blank journal from Dreamy Moons for free-form journaling.

  • Planner: I like to write my to-do lists in this planner from Dreamy Moons. I also like the daily check in section, which prompts you to get rest, drink water, get outside, and move your body daily.

  • Breakfast: I make smoothies and matcha drink recipes from Rachael’s Good Eats. I really look forward to making these every morning!

To align with the energy of the earth goddess, trying walking outside with bare feet after work. This is a great way to use nature to destress from your day. I also like to work outside when I can to let nature calm me while I’m in meetings.

In the spirit of service, you can find time to volunteer or do something kind for a friend or family member.

For more suggestions on incorporating Virgo season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out the Virgo Collection!

Happy Virgo Season! ♍︎ 🌱


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